At Green Light Ventures, we’re leading the way in sustainable group travel.

Everything we do is focussed on making travel as sustainable as possible. Our itineraries are jam packed full of adventures and cultural experiences and we’re constantly working to do it in the most sustainable way.

Working with communities

Whether it’s working with women to plant trees that bring them income and cool the earth around them; or eating local and staying local, we work to meet local needs and contribute positively. We also search for the most sustainable accommodation. Most important is staying local, but we also seek out accommodation which works to be sustainable in other ways too.

Helping the planet

Two of the biggest challenges whilst travelling are carbon emissions and single use waste.

  1. We plant trees sustainably to sink carbon for all our travellers.

  2. We also aim to reduce plastic as much as possible, by providing refillable drinking water and buying local food. Not only is this great for the local economy, but also reduces packaging and food miles and gives our groups a genuine travel experience.

Group Travel

We provide a safe and enjoyable way for solo travellers to get the most of their adventure. By reducing vehicles and using local transport where possible, we believe that travelling as a group is the most sustainable thing to do! Our maximum group size is just 12 though, giving travellers an amazing yet enjoyable group travel experience!